Lord Michael Dobbs Lord Michael Dobbs

The Speaker

After Dinenr Political Speaker Lord Michael Dobbs

An English Lord and best-selling author with a high flying career and a refined sense of humor.

Michael Dobbs, Lord Dobbs of Wylye, has worked with three British Prime Ministers – Margaret Thatcher, John Major and David Cameron. Now, as the creator of the scarily authentic political thriller, House of Cards, he’s an executive producer on the massive Netflix series starring Kevin Spacey and Robin Wright.


By day he sits as a legislator in the British House of Lords. By night he is a speaker at corporate events and private dinners. Content is often a highly revealing insight into the nature of the political and power-driven mind-set.

Dobbs’s speaking embraces the worlds of politics, journalism, writing, television and the stage with big doses of history – much of it experienced first-hand. He was working on the Boston Globe during Watergate; he worked with Lady Thatcher before she became Prime Minister and helped her transition from Member of Parliament, to world leader, to Baroness Thatcher.

But it wasn’t all plain sailing. Later he was banned from the Prime Minister's country retreat after one heated row with Maggie. It helped him become an expert in the arts of survival and leadership. And did we mention he has a doctorate in nuclear security studies?


Dobbs’s speaking repertoire is as diverse as his expertise, stretching from Westminster to Washington. He has strong and informed views on Britain, Europe, the US and what he believes is still a brilliant future for the Western world.


In 2015 Michael Dobbs spoke at sixteen events in the USA, the UK, Denmark, South Korea, The Netherlands and Cyprus on politics in the US and the UK, on business, and on media and television today and tomorrow.

Michael Dobbs, Lord Dobbs of Wylye speaks in the UK and USA

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