USA and UK flags Lord Michael Dobbs Lord Michael Dobbs

The Writer

In fiction, on television, and on the stage, the work of Michael Dobbs probes the workings of people, of politics and of power.

"I started writing by accident. I was the chief of staff to Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and we had a huge falling out so I decided to get myself another job. Truth be told, she rather insisted. I sat down and began writing a book about the perils of political life that I called House of Cards. It transformed my life. Recently I met China’s President Xi and gave him an original copy of the book. His brow creased. ‘What?’ he said, ‘you have House of Cards in this country, too?’ Then Italian Prime Minister Renzi bought a copy. I wrote to remind him that it was a work of entertainment, not necessarily a work of instruction."


The writing career of Michael Dobbs encompasses novels, developments and creations for television and plays for the stage over more than twenty-five years. House of Cards was televised by the BBC and now by Netflix as a global blockbuster that has won Emmys, Golden Globes and many other awards.

Michael has also written award-winning novels about Winston Churchill, identifying truths about that extraordinary leader and shining a light on parts of history that we only guess at.


In 2009 Dobbs wrote his first play, 'The Turning Point' for Sky Arts Theatre starring Benedict Cumberbatch and Matthew Marsh. It proved to be a sensational success. In 1938, on the eve of war, Winston Churchill meets Guy Burgess. They were both lonely men. A few years later, one had come to be regarded as The Greatest Briton, the other as The Greatest Traitor. Were they so very different?

Michael Dobbs, Lord Dobbs of Wylye speaks in the UK and USA

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