USA and UK flags Lord Michael Dobbs Lord Michael Dobbs

The Politician

Lord Michael Dobbs

Michael Dobbs, Lord Dobbs of Wylye, is a Conservative peer and a legislator in the upper house of the UK Parliament.

His is an extraordinary story of a career at the very heart of power and government.

Today he is a lawmaker in the House of Lords. He is also a writer and speaker and the creator of the man who was to become President Francis Underwood.


When Margaret Thatcher won her famous victory in the 1979 British general election, Michael Dobbs was with her at the very moment of victory and was the first to tell her she had become Prime Minister. Yet a decade later, in the turmoil of politics, they had a furious row. He scratched out two letters on a notepad: FU. And so the arch-Machiavellian Francis Urquhart was born.

1977-1979 Personal Advisor to Margaret Thatcher.

1981-1986 Government Special Adviser.

1986-1987 Chief of Staff, 'Westminster's baby-faced hit man' – The Guardian

1994-1995 Deputy Chairman of the Conservative Party.

2010 Made a life peer as Baron Dobbs of Wylye.

2013-2016 Lead campaigner for British Referendum on the EU.

Michael Dobbs, Lord Dobbs of Wylye speaks in the UK and USA

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